Hotter Potter Meme :January

Q: “Jika kamu menjadi salah satu guru di Hogwarts, kamu ingin menjadi siapa? Alasannya?”

well, actually i don’t mind being any kind of teacher in Hogwarts as long as i’m in Hogwarts!!

let sing together,muggles :

“Oh,save me from this bloody muggle world. send me an owl and tell me that you’ll pick me up to Hogwarts. Tell me i’m a wizardddd. Ohhhh…”

hehehe i don’t even mind being Prof.Trelawney. Tapi yah, kalo jadi mr.Filch sih ga mau juga ya..

tapi oke, karena harus milih satu.. siapa yakk??
Headmaster kaya Dumbledore?
Guru pertahanan terhadap ilmu hitam yang memakan korban setiap tahunnya?
ato si transfigurator kaya Prof McGonagall?

no, people.. my answer may surprise you, but i want to become like Hagrid.

well, okay, maybe not Hagrid literally, i mean, a teacher in Care of Magical Creatures ,which position is now held by Hagrid.

oh’s the best job ever!


1. Only-in-fairy-tales magical creatures

can you imagine dealing with any kind of magical creature?

as an animal lover, dari dulu saya udah mupeng sama Caesar dari The dog whisperer. he’s my hero and i always envy him for his gift. Sselain itu saya juga penonton setia animal planet dan acaranya Steve Irwin (alm.).

But this is even better!  Dragons, Hipogriff, Three-head monster dog, and if i’m lucky enough to be able to see it, a unicorn..

2. The big D

i have a fetish for Dragons. Yup, mungkin saya juga akan berakhir kaya Hagrid yang nyelundupin telur-telur naga dan ngerawat mereka kaya bayi yang imut-imut.

3. I can look cool while riding hipogriff or dragon

okay, quidditcher, the newest nimbus maybe cool. maybe they need skill and some extra practice.

but, this

and this

they need awesomeness to ride it. Got it? =p

tapi yah, saya ga mau juga ya maen-maen sama Aragog.. hiiii..  dan kalo sampe ada kecoa raksasa yang bisa ngomong..

sorry folks, but in this case, i’m back to the muggle world.. =pp

10 respons untuk ‘Hotter Potter Meme :January

  1. Ira berkata:

    Hei, I like the song 😀
    Kalo boleh, ak tambahin liriknya …
    “please still send me an owl, even I’m not 11 anymore…ooohhh”
    *haduh, kasian banget ya gw*

  2. ariohendra berkata:

    well, kayanya kalo jadi hagrid kaga kuat si buckbeak buat terbang hehehe. Kalo sy sih maunya jadi guru pertahanan ilmu hitam, always the center of the story soalnya haha

  3. asdewi berkata:

    “they need awesomeness to ride it”—–> MUahahaha….setujuuuuu banget. Hagrid’s job is cool. Tapi kalo aku sih lebih seneng bisa temenan aja sama hewan2 itu, males ngerawatnya #eaaaa #egois X)

  4. aranolein berkata:

    Yaay! Hagrid guru fave saya!! Mudah-mudahan dirimu bisa menjadi guru yang bersahabat seperti beliau. tapi jangan lupa ya, ngga semua orang berani dekat-dekat naga :D. Makasih udah mampir ke blog saya!

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