Book Kaleidoscope 2013 Top Five Book Boy Friends

I know it’s a little bit too late to post this, but i’m happy i could still make it.  😀

I’m sorry to say that i only read about 15 novels this year, with 3 of them is still in the progress (Holy Smoke! I put “Pro” in procrastination ). But, i’m happily say that i got a lot of nice one this year. So let’s start!!

Top Five Book Boy Friends

Since,again, i don’t read alot of books this year, ughh i’m little bit frustrated with this limited choices 😐 I need more boys!!

1. Park (Eleanor and Park)

Yup, sweet as candy-sweet, overloaded with cuteness, and worshiped Eleanor as any girl could dream. I worship him!! And he listened to The Smiths! As long as i know, a guy who listen to The Smiths can never go wrong 🙂 (conclusion dari nonton JGL di 500 days of Summer)

i’m just not immune to a cute wallflower like him.

2. Augustus Waters (The Fault in Our Stars)

Witty, handsome, self-praiser, one-legged hottie. A boy that it was sure a privilege to love him.

“It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you..” -Augustus

How could you not fall for this guy?

3. Dhiren (Tiger’s Curse)

I don’t know if this is count or not, since i haven’t finished the book *guilty smile*. But I found this Indian prince is smokingly hot and exotic. Or maybe I just fall for the tiger, i don’t know.

4. Ender Wiggin (Ender’s game)

Well, it’s not like i want him to be my boyfriend. Cause, first, he’s underage. (younger boy is just not my thing) But, somehow, despite his cold heart, it’s warming to know that he has a pure capability to love. (I haven’t watched the movie by the way.. is it good?)

5. Warren (Fablehaven)

It’s  hard to choose who is the hottest in Fablehaven series. But i guess Warren will always be on the top of my list. He’s brave, heroic, a little reckless, and ridiculously good looking. He’ll definitely be that boyfriend who in the future, you’ll look back to the past with him and remember how fun it was.

Thank you so much for this event , mbak Fanda! i had so much fun writing it!! Check the others entry here !

Book Kaleidoscope 2013 Top Five Most Memorable Quotes

1. Eleanor & Park 

I love this one. It’s just too cute! Do you know how hard it is to resist the urgency to bite that cute boy you like? I’m very familiar with this feeling.

2. Ender’s game

“I will remember this, thought Ender, when I am defeated. To keep dignity, and give honor where it’s due, so that defeat is not disgrace. And I hope I don’t have to do it often.”

So, this is what Ender said after the captain from the team he defeated came to him and congratulate him. This is one of the most thoughtful quote i’ve ever read indeed.

3. The Perks of Being a Wallflower

There’s an enlightenment in this quote. A truth. Why people tend to stick to person who doesn’t treat them well, why they keep pushing nice people away from them (and why girls love bad boys? hehehe ;p ). Maybe this will remind us that our thoughts and our feelings matter too.

3. The Perks of Being a Wallflower ( Still)

People come and go. Friends, couple, even family. You met, you had fun, and then your path go into different directions. People change. Maybe they just simply grow up, maybe they find some enlightenment, or maybe they just want to go. It hurts when you’re the one who left behind. You feel lost, you feel betrayed, but, the truth is there’s nothing much you can do about it, and all you need to do is just simply move on. Meet new people, new friends, fall in love again and enjoy all the time you have.

Because life is not going to stop for anybody..

5. Wonder

“Everyone born of God overcometh the world.”

Because i believe that i already deserve to win Noble/Oscar/Grammy by just being born. ;D You should too!

Thank you so much for this event , mbak Fanda! i had so much fun writing it!! Check the others entry here !

Book: Eleanor & Park (5/5)

“Because . . .” he said quietly, looking at his desk, “because people want to remember what it’s like to be young? And in love?”

Mr. Stessman leaned back against the blackboard and rubbed his beard.

“Is that right?” Park asked.

Her name was Eleanor. His name was Park. Two misfits who are pretending to be okay. 
It all started with hate, until no one knew when, He noticed her red hair, her smell, and her eyes. And then She became His world. And He became Hers. But no matter how hard He tried, He could never reach Her and She was always a distance away. But, what He didn’t know was behind those insecurity wall there’s an ugly truth She’s hiding.

Eleanor and Park was all i could ask for a book. Characters who i can relate to, a slow yet intense love, a list of too cool songs and a devastating ending (just kidding, WHY RAINBOW WHY?) .It took me twice reading it,and several months before i can write anything. I had a hard time moving on because i was so overwhelmed with the huge wave of emotions.

I love Eleanor. I feel like i have a strong connection with her (Not physically, because while she’s overweight, i’m underweight :|) like, i really want to hold her, and tell her that She’s okay, She’s more than okay. We all know what is like to be a misfit. So I guess we all can relate to it too, right?

Park on the other hand, was a dream boyfriend. He was sweet as candy-sweet, overload with cuteness, and worshiped Eleanor like any girl could dream of.

“Don’t bite his face, Eleanor told herself. It’s disturbing and needy and never happens in situation comedies or movies that end with big kisses.” (This is my favorite quote! ;D)

Park was a half-korean and having some issue with his white father who seemed he can never satisfied.

And their love story is all i need in a relationship.Two birds of a feather against the world. A relationship that people will laugh at or just simply ignore, but they have no idea how we love each other.Ughh, cheezy i know..

I felt afraid when i read this book. Like i was holding something really fragile, like after all this precious connection between them , it would easily fall apart if i read it the wrong way.I just want to freeze that time.When they were sitting next to each other rubbing hands for the first time. When they sneaked behind the house to kiss. And well, basically, everytime they kissed.. hehehe

And what makes this book way cooler, is the songs..The Smiths, Joy division.It felt like you can hear the soundtrack when you read it .I even made my own playlist for this book. 🙂

Eleanor and Park deserves every emotion i spill right now. I found myself trying to read this book with slow pace but i just can’t stop turning the pages. And sometimes writing a review can be as painful as reading itself. Especially when it’s a book that you know you’ll love to death. You put too much emotion in every word you wrote. Just too much.

I mean UGHHHHH seriously,man! Like Who is this ANGEL who wrote this? Rainbow? oh my gosh even her name is so loveable. Please tell me that you secretly writing a true story. That maybe Eleanor was you and Park was your husband..Do tell me that romance like this, is actually happening.

Well, i know this is a spoiler, but i just want you guys to be prepared, okay? The ending’s sucks. 
Like WHYYyy-should-life-crushed-their-love-down-cruely *screaming* -sucks.

but, no matter what, Eleanor and Park had already took a special spot in my heart. A permanent one.

“Eleanor & Park” reminded me not just what it’s like to be young and in love with a girl, but also what it’s like to be young and in love with a book. -John Green

(and beyond)

Quick! Read this. No war can be ended before every people in this world read this book!